This video artifact promotes the Scout and Cloth campaign by
employing effective motion picture techniques and design principles.
In concept, the promo aims to surprise an audience expecting
to see a typical montage of women’s clothing by abruptly cutting the music and deliberately
bringing attention to the initial inappropriateness of a male model in such a
video. In this subversion of expectation, attention is better captured.
A white background acts as a clear “ground” to the figures
of the models. Negative space around individuals brings attention to them and
helps the texture of their clothing pop. This is consistent with the black,
white, and grays chosen for our style guide as these were selected to let the clothing
speak for itself, and the same effect is present here. Additionally, the style
guide is employed in using the Gill Sans Light font and company logo. This
further establishes a sense of similarity throughout the campaign (law of
Slow motion techniques are used to accent certain moments in
the video that may go less noticed at a faster speed.